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Marketing your handyman and repair services through direct marketing is a great way to advertise. Not only do you approach people on a personal level at their homes, but you also get to incorporate digital and mobile marketing methods to effectively convey your business and its services.<\p>

Why you should try directly marketing your repair services.

1. Your contact information is readily available to your customers Incase they want something repaired or fixed.
2. Familiarize yourself to the potential customers around you.
3. Your repair services becomes more approachable if you directly advertise yourself to people at their homes.
4. More people will get to know your business and the different types of services you offer.
6. Your business will be first in their mind when they require similar services.
7. Personalize your marketing for different people in different locations and with different needs.
8. A good effective way to advertise without spending too much money.

Why you should try directly marketing your Repair and handyman services.

Local exposure

Extend your marketing efforts and let yourself be known in your local area or any place you desire. We will help you cover the entire area around your establishment. Paces like homes, student dorms or apartments, busy commercial areas can be targeted with direct marketing campaigns to increase your local exposure.

Market your website

An online presence in the form of a website is an excellent way to improve your handyman service business. Landing pages are probably the most preferred method of conveying information on the internet, since you are able to remotely showcase your business to anyone with internet access. Therefore, including your website into your marketing is required, even while directly marketing to people. If you have a website, you can attach links or qr codes that link to it to your print media such as flyers and door hangers so that anyone that sees your ads can easily get to your website. You can leverage direct marketing methods to drive traffic to your website and boost your online visibility.



Gain social advertising benefits through Direct Marketing

A service like handyman and repairs benefits greatly from third-party adverts. Social advertising, or in simple terms, a friend advertising to another friend, can be effectively leveraged through direct marketing. By directly marketing to your potential clients, you not only approach them on a personal level, but your customers are also more likely to recommend you to their friends, colleagues, neighbors, and more people around them. If your customers like your service, they will share your name with anyone they know who requires your service, and you can amplify this effect through direct marketing campaigns.

Get Social

You can use your social media pages and listings as one of the forefronts of your direct marketing strategy. By attaching your social media links and qr codes on print media, everyone that views your flyers, door hangers and posters has a chance to interact with your social media pages and learn more about your services and your business.

Targeted marketing

By using direct marketing, you can target your advertising efforts to specific audiences based on different criteria such as location, age group, etc. For example, if you are a handyman service, you can market directly to homeowners in a certain area you would like to provide your services to.

Leverage Customer Reviews

Being an industry that greatly relies on client reviews and past works, direct marketing is an excellent opportunity to showcase your past works and advertise your positive reviews. People are more likely to take up your services if they see that other people are satisfied with your services.


Clear and transparent pricing

Having a clear and transparent pricing structure on your marketing materials is essential for direct marketing efforts. Clearly display different prices for your services and list any additional fees or charges that may apply.

Directly Market your Package deals

If you offer multiple items at once, or services, consider bundling them into packages. This can be an effective way to increase marketing and encourage customers to use multiple services.

Advertise Quick response time

Repair services can prominently display their response time on their marketing materials, as well as on their social media profiles and online sites. This can help customers understand that they can expect a quick response if they choose to use your services. Leverage customer reviews and testimonials to showcase how prior customers received your response time.

Market your expertise

Every business needs a way to assure quality of expertise in their direct marketing strategy. Display your certifications and qualifications prominently in your direct marketing materials. Testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers can also assure your expertise. Guarantee quality of your work in your marketing campaign to show confidence in your skills. Even highlighting your expertise in a specific area, such as plumbing or electrical repairs, can be very beneficial.


The importance of repair service (expertise) can be emphasized through direct marketing. DIY repairs can be time-consuming, some repairs can be dangerous, and require specialized tools and training to perform safely. Even in the long run, hiring someone to fix something may be cheaper than trying to do it yourself if not done properly. Direct marketing can be a form of education as well, so make sure to let your customers know the importance of hiring a professional handyman.

Time saving benefits

Through direct marketing, you can also emphasize the time-saving benefits of hiring a professional handyman. Let your customers know that hiring a professional handyman can save them time, allowing them to focus on other important things. With effective direct marketing, your business can reach more customers and increase your SEO ranking

Designing your Advertising materials.

The designs here are made from different designs platforms such as Canva Pro and Adobe Photoshop.


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Services we offer and how our business works.

Learn about the different services we offer your business as we market it directly to peoples homes.

Flyers, posters door hangers and more...

Learn about the different types of print media we use to advertise your business and which you would like to use.


See how we price our services and Learn how prices for different items are brokem down.

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