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Targeted Marketing

Where a business aims its marketing efforts and resources to a market subset of the total market for a product or service.

Targeted marketing is different from broader approaches that aim to reach as many people as possible, like billboard advertising.
Targeted marketing begins by finding exactly what group of people are a good fit for the product or service and focusing advertising efforts directly to that audience.

A business first needs to segment the market before creating a marketing strategy.
Targeted market usually consists of people with a similar trait the business needs like age, prefrences, location, lifestyle etc. For example printer company exclusively targeting businesses that will need printing like a schools and offices. These are considered most likely to make a purchase and increase overall profits.

By implementing this model of advertising you can directly market to your targeted clients on a person to person basis.

You could aqcuire these services to exclusively target and pitch to your desired market and dictate what medium is best to reach them, like social media, website etc. Plus, its a good way to cater to your niche.

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